Bhubaneswar: Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra inaugurated the ‘Mo Khata’ (My Compost) Kiosk at Smart Janpath of Bhubaneswar on Friday.
Talking to media Mohapatra said “Mo Khata is a high-quality compost made of wet waste being generated in the city after being processed at Micro Composting Centres. It’s a sustainable waste management technique and will help in keeping the city clean as well as garbage-free while reducing the burden on landfills. This intervention would create employment opportunities for members of WSHGs and local volunteers.”
Mahapatra said the women activists engaged in the collection will be paid wages.
The compost will be sent to every NAC and municipality. The civic body has institutionalised the waste segregation system by setting up a Material Recovery Facility (MRFs) where non-compostable solid waste is stored and then processed at Micro Composting Centers (MCC) for generating organic waste and ensuring zero discharge to the landfill site.
Certified, good quality compost will now be available at affordable prices for agricultural use, said BMC Commissioner Prem Chandra Chaudhary.
“We have planned 43 kiosks of Mo Khata of which 9 are already operational,” he added.