Mother Of All Miracles: Baby Who Weighed 212 Grams At Birth Survives!

She weighed just 212 gram and measured 24 cm long after being born.

That’s the weight of a big apple.

Born as the world’s smallest baby – delivered at just under 25 weeks of pregnancy as against the average 40 weeks — at Singapore’s National University Hospital, she had a “limited chance of survival,” according to doctors.

Yet, they didn’t give up. And after 13 months of intensive treatment, Kwek Yu Xuan was discharged from the hospital weighing a much healthier 6.3 kg, BBC News reported.

“Against the odds, with health complications present at birth, she has inspired people around her with her perseverance and growth, which makes her an extraordinary ‘Covid-19’ baby — a ray of hope amid turmoil,” the hospital said in a statement.

The previous recorded smallest baby weighed 245 grams at birth in 2018, in the US.

Yu Xuan’s mother Wong Mei Ling was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia – a condition where high blood pressure can damage vital organs and lead to death of mother and baby. Hence doctors performed emergency C-section four months prematurely.

The baby’s parents managed to raise $270,601 through crowd funding to pay for the long hospital stay.

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