Samsung on Tuesday launched its ultra-premium QLED 8K TV range in India. The range has a starting price of Rs 10,99,900 and goes up to a whopping Rs 59,99,990 for the 98-inch model. Yes, you read that right, Rs 10.9 lakh and Rs 59.9 lakh respectively. Here are the prices in detail:
98-inches – Rs 59,99,990
82-inches – Rs 16,99,990
75-inches – Rs 10,99,990
The price of a 65-inch variant will be announced when it is launched in July.
The TVs have four times the resolution of 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) TVs and 16 times that of a Full HD TV. The TVs use AI to upscale any content to 8K, claims the company.
Samsung has a market share of 47 per cent in the premium TV category (above 55-inch) and is aiming to reach 55 per cent by Diwali this year, the company stated.
The TVs have an “Ambient Mode” that will help blend into the living room wall, showing information such as weather, news or display artistic photographs on the TV frame as well.
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