New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday conducted searches across four states in connection with a Naxal recruitment case, according to reports. The recruitment case involves leaders of the banned outfit. The raids took place at Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi.
The raids are part of case RC-01/2023/NIA-LKW. The sleuths targeted the premises of Naxal cadres and Over Ground Workers (OGWs). The NIA probe revealed that several frontal organisations and student wings had been tasked with motivating and recruiting cadres. These organizations were also tasked with propagating Naxal ideology to wage a war against the Government of India.
On September 6 last year, the NIA had cracked down on attempts by Naxal leaders and cadres of the CPI (Maoist) to revive the banned terrorist organisation as it conducted raids across Uttar Pradesh.
The raids were carried out at eight locations in Prayagraj, Chandauli, Varanasi, Deoria, and Azamgarh districts of Uttar Pradesh. Several gadgets, SIM cards, Naxal literature, books, pamphlets, pocket diaries, money receipt books, and other incriminating documents were seized during the raids.
In August last year, Bihar Police had arrested one Rohit Vidyarthi in connection to a similar case. Rohit’s interrogation led to the arrest of Pramod Mishra, a Central Committee Member and In-Charge of the Northern Regional Bureau (NRB) of CPI (Maoist).
It was alleged that Mishra was leading the cadres, sympathisers, and OGWs of CPI (Maoist) to revive the ‘terror outfit.’