Bhubaneswar: The music video ‘Subharambha’ received the best music video award at the eighth edition of Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival recently. The music video was launched on ‘Panaa Sankranti’ (Odia New Year, April 14) to mark a whole new beginning of Odia identity and content creation.
The maiden music video of ‘Uttisthata Jagrata’ campaign named “Subharambha”, based on Pandit Godabarisha Mahapatra’s timeless classic “Utha Kankala” was released on Youtube.
Over 30 distinctive artists, cultural activists and Swabhimani Odias from all over Jeypore have contributed to Subharambha, cutting across caste, creed and religion.
Produced by Panchabati Srujanalaya in association with Jeypore Film Company, Subharambha has been conceived by Tosh Nanda and directed by Vishal Patnaik (Odisha state award-winning director of the film ‘Chondalo’).
‘BnR Films’ is the official publicity partner of the video.
It also has been nominated in best music video category in the Vindhya International Film Festival Madhya Pradesh and Ayodhya Film Festival 2019 respectively.