Cuttack: While the consecration ceremony at Ram Temple was underway in Ayodhya, Deepak Biswal, an Odisha-based smoke artist unveiled his unique painting of Ram Lalla made from the smoke of an oil lamp.
The painting made on canvas with fumage from an oil lamp measures one foot by one foot and is a replica of the Ram Lalla idol consecrated at Ayodhya today.
Biswal, who is from the oldest city of Odisha, Cuttack, says it took him four hours to make the painting and he chose this day to make it as he wanted to keep Lord Ram in his heart always.
“By making the painting on this day of consecration, I wanted to keep Ram Lala in my heart forever. I hope it will be liked by all,” says Biswal. “The entire Odisha is celebrating and I am also very happy today,” he adds.
Like the Ram Lalla idol in Ayodhya, Biswal has also through his painting tried his best to keep the divinity and innocence of the original Lord Ram idol intact. With a bow and arrow in his hand and adorned in traditional jewellery, Ram Lalla smiles through this beautiful artwork of Biswal.
Fumage or smoke art though not very common is an old visual art form wherein with the help of smoke from candles or oil lamps, beautiful art forms are made on canvas with the help of a needle, pen, or any other similar object.