Berhampur: Bada Bazar police on Thursday arrested ‘Chota Lady Don’ Rani Panda from Uttaramukhi area here and seized 26 kg ganja worth Rs 1 lakh along with a motorcycle from her possession.
Inspector in-charge of Bada Bazar police station Prasant Kumar Bhupati said police were in search of Rani in connection with the attack on businessman Gopalkrishna Panda of Kailash Nagar for extortion. Rani and her associates had attacked him on December 25 and she was absconding ever since.
While the family of Rani reside in Laxmi Nrusingha Sahi 6th Lane in Bada Bazar area while Rani was staying in Mumbai and entered the crime world three years back. Rani used to visit Berhampur from Mumbai and indulged in extortion by targeting the rich businessmen, police said.
A special team formed to arrest Rani, were on the look out for her. On a tip-off that she was in the city they raided Uttaramukhi area and nabbed her.
Six cases were pending against Rani in Bada Bazar police station and two cases in Golanthara police station, said the IIC.