Cuttack: Odisha FC organised a scouting programme for children at the Satyabrata Stadium, on Friday. More than 300 children in three age groups – under 13, 15 and 18 attended the programme, which was held in association with the state government.
The players from this scouting programme will be selected for further trails and will be in contention to find a place in the junior Odisha FC teams in these categories for the upcoming season. The under 13, 15 and 18 teams will participate in the 2020-21 season of the Hero Sub-Junior League, Hero Junior League and Hero Elite League respectively.
Odisha FC’s Assistant Coach, Thangboi Singto, Grassroots Coaches Sourav Virdi, SK Shahanawaz Alam and Aiswaryan Pillai and Assistant Grassroots Manager Suvam Das conducted the programme.