Odisha Govt Tells Agriculture Officials Not To Leave District Headquarters For Kharif Season

Bhubaneswar: Odisha government has directed the district officials of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment department not to visit the Secretariat or state headquarters in connection with any official work.

Arabinda Padhee, principal secretary, Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment department, in an official statement on Friday, said it has been found that district officials of the department have been visiting the state headquarters for submitting their complaints and suggestions.

“These officials were earlier informed that they would have to take the permission from higher authorities before leaving the district headquarters. Otherwise, they can send their complaints through e-mail to the authorities concerned. Their complaints will be looked into as per government rules to find a solution,” Padhee said.

“It has been found that some officials were repeatedly visiting the state headquarters office to take up the matter of their transfer, violating the earlier order. Any further violation of the official order will lead to disciplinary action against them,” Padhee said.

In view of kharif season ahead, the district officials should be present in their offices and try to solve the problems of the farmers in consultation with field officials, he added.

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