Bhubaneswar: Hours before the Lok Sabha and Assembly election dates were announced, the state government on Saturday announced formation of Odisha Ophthalmic Service Cadre Of Health and Family Welfare Department with a staff strength of 538.
According to the notification issued by the state Health and Family Welfare Department, the cadre will have one Assistant Director, 15 Chief Ophthalmic Officers, 53 Senior Ophthalmic Officers Level-I, 131 Senior Ophthalmic Officer Level-II and 338 Ophthalmic Officers.
While the Assistant Director, Chief Ophthalmic Officer, Senior Ophthalmic Officer Level-I, Senior Ophthalmic Officer Level-II posts will be created, 197 Ophthalmic Assistants currently in service will be re-designated as Ophthalmic Officers and 141 more will be recruited.
The decision was taken to ease the patient load in government hospitals and for smooth functioning of healthcare facilities, the notification stated.