Jajpur: 31 years after he faced a case over an incident during panchayat elections, veteran trade union leader Mayadhar Nayak was arrested when he appeared before a court at Sukinda in Odisha’s Jajpur district.
Nayak was released on bail around three hours after being arrested during his appearance in the court on January 9, sources said.
The case was registered against Nayak, who was then a prominent leader of the SUCI, and his supporters way back in 1992 during the panchayat elections.
While SUCI was backing several candidates for sarapanch and samiti member posts, the elections witnessed stiff contest with Janata Dal and Congress throwing formidable challenges.
On the day of voting, violence broke out and a case was registered against 16 persons including Nayak in connection with the incidents. One of the accused has since passed away, while another person was arrested and he spent five days in jail.
A warrant was issued against Nayak and others recently and they appeared before the court in Sukinda on January 9. They were arrested and later released on bail in the evening.
Describing the action after 31 years as a ‘drama’, Nayak claimed that the step taken to arrest him was politically motivated.