Bhubaneswar: Odisha Vigilance officials are conducting simultaneous searches on the houses and properties linked to Anadi Charan Sethi, Civil Supply Officer, State Headquarter, and former CSO, Gajapati, on Monday in a disproportionate assets (DA) case.
Searches are being carried out at the following places:
* Residential double-storeyed building at Ram Nagar 1st Lane, Chatrapur, Ganjam
* Single-storeyed market complex at Rama Nagar, Chatrapur
* Double-storeyed building at Kharvel Nagar, 3rd Lane, Berhampur (given on rent)
* Residential house of his elder daughter at Angaragadia, Balasore
* OYO hotel Maa Residency at Chandrasekharapur, Bhubaneswar