Bhubaneswar: Assets worth Rs 2.16 crore was unearthed during a Vigilance raid on a constable of Berhampur district police, Sudarsan Pradhan, on Monday.
According to Vigilance sources, simultaneous searches were carried at three places on the allegation that he owned assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
The constable is currently posted at Bijipur under Berhampur Town police station.
Assets Unearthed:
>> A triple storeyed building at Lochapada, Berhampur
>> 3 newly-constructed buildings at Nimakhandi, Berhampur
>> 9 plots at Lochapada, Nimakhandi and Tumbagada in Ganjam district,
>> 2 two-wheelers, Rs.5,16,880 in cash and other movable and immovable properties
Further searches are continuing.