New Delhi: Following five more cases confirmed in Karnataka, India’s Omicron tally soared to 161 on Monday. According to Karnataka Health Minister Dr Sudhakar, the five patients are from Dharwad, Bhadravathi, Udupi (2) and Mangaluru, reported The Indian Express.
Omicron cases have been found in Maharashtra (54), Delhi (22), Rajasthan (17) and Karnataka (19), Telangana (20), Gujarat (11), Kerala (11), Andhra Pradesh (1), Chandigarh (1), Tamil Nadu (1) and West Bengal (4), according to central and state officials.
Meanwhile, India recorded 6,563 new COVID-19 cases and 132 casualties in the last 24 hours. With 8,077 already recovered, the active cases in the country stood at 82,267 on Monday, the Health Ministry bulletin said.
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