Bhubaneswar: A CBI court on Wednesday rejected the bail plea of Charchit Mishra, son of Odisha industrialist Mahimananda Mishra and Director of Orissa Stevedores Ltd (OSL), who has been arrested in connection with the Paradip Port Trust bribery case.
However, it granted bail to builder Sisir Kumar Das and refused to extend the remand period sought by the probe agency.
The CBI arrested Charchit Mishra and Sisir Kumar Das on August 6.
On August 5, the agency arrested four persons, including a top official of Paradip Port, in connection with the bribery case — Saroj Kumar Das, Chief Mechanical Engineer of Paradip Port, contractor Sumant Rout, KCT Group’s Manager (Port Operations) Sankha Subhra Mitra and OSL DGM (Operations) Surya Narayan Sahoo.