Paradip Trawler Capsize: Coast Guard Continues Ops To Trace 3 Missing Fishermen

Paradip: Search operation by Indian Coast Guard (ICG) to trace three fishermen, who went missing after a boat capsized in sea off Paradip coat, resumed on Wednesday morning.

According to sources, the fishing trawler ‘Basulei Varasa 2’ with eight fishermen capsized at the Mahanadi river mouth around 4.30 pm on Tuesday while returning to the fishing harbour after a successful catch. The fishermen were swept away by the powerful currents and the other trawlers in the vicinity were unable to reach them due to high tide and dangerous conditions.

While five of the eight fishermen were later rescued by a tugboat, the ICG pressed into service a helicopter for the operation as the Marine police and ODRAF faced challenges due to heavy tidal waves and strong currents.

Jagatsinghpur SP Rahul PR had earlier said that Marine Police was also collecting information if the fishermen swum to some other place to provide immediate medical attention.

Notably, this is the fourth such incident in the past six months and the fishermen blame the authorities for the perilous situation at the river mouth caused by extensive siltation and sand casting.

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