Mumbai: Even while Bollywood director reached the Versova police station on Thursday in connection with the sexual assault allegations raised by actor Payal Ghosh against him, the actress was taken to a government hospital in Mumbai’s Andheri for a medical test in the matter, reported The New Indian Express (TNIE).
The Mumbai Police had on Wednesday issued a summon to Anurag Kashyap to appear before them on October 1 in connection with the case.
Payal Ghosh, who has accused Kashyap of sexual harassment told ANI, “Five years ago I met Anurag Kashyap regarding work. He called me to his house. When I went there, he took me to a separate room and tried to sexually assault me. He forced himself on me.”
“I request the authorities to kindly take action and let the country see the demon behind this creative guy. I am aware that it can harm me and my security is at risk. I am seeking action against him,” said Ghosh.
Responding on Twitter, Kashyap denied the allegations, claiming that they were ‘baseless’. “I neither behave like this nor do I ever tolerate this at any price,” he had said.