NewDelhi: Amid the sharp criticism for his nude photoshoot, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA) India has written a letter to the ‘Padmaavat’ actor requesting him for a similar photoshoot for their upcoming campaign which aims to promote veganism.
“Greetings from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, the country’s best-known animal rights group, with more than 2 million members and supporters. We saw your head-turning Paper Magazine photo shoot – and we hope you’ll ditch the pants for us, too,” PETA’s letter to Singh reads.
To promote compassion for animals, will you consider appearing in a nude PETA India advertisement with the tagline ‘All Animals Have the Same Parts – Try Vegan’? I’ve attached a reference image featuring Pamela Anderson for your perusal,” it further added.
Ranveer Singh’s photoshoot for Paper Magazine became controversial and a matter of discussion recently. Multiple FIRs were also filed against the actor for allegedly ‘hurting sentiments of women’ with his nude pictures.
Lalit Tekchandani, who represents an NGO in Chembur spoke to about the FIR and explained, “Many women and children approached us saying that what Ranveer Singh has done with the photo shoot is against our society norms. We saw many nude photographs of the actor being clicked and he promoted it on his social media in such a manner that any male or female would feel ashamed about it. We realised that such an act should be strongly opposed and this is why we decided to file a complaint and FIR.”
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( #PETA) invites #RanveerSingh to ‘ditch the pants’ for their “All Animals Have the Same Parts – Try Vegan” campaign.
Will he accept it? @PetaIndia @peta @RanveerOfficial
— Sneha Biswas (@Realsnehabiswas) August 4, 2022