New Delhi: A day after launching the ‘Mein Bhi Chowkidar’ campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday renamed his twitter handle to “Chowkidar Narendra Modi”. He also urged supporters to take the #MainBhiChowkidar pledge against corruption.
Your Chowkidar is standing firm & serving the nation.
But, I am not alone.
Everyone who is fighting corruption, dirt, social evils is a Chowkidar.
Everyone working hard for the progress of India is a Chowkidar.
Today, every Indian is saying-#MainBhiChowkidar
— Chowkidar Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 16, 2019
Several chief ministers of BJP-ruled states, union ministers followed suit within minutes adding the prefix ‘chowkidar’ to their name in their twitter handle.
देश बदला, विश्वास बढा।
हर व्यक्ति में चौकीदार मिला।।#MainBhiChowkidar#ChowkidarPhirSe— Chowkidar Jagat Prakash Nadda (@JPNadda) March 17, 2019
हिमालय पुत्र, उत्तर प्रदेश के भूतपूर्व मुख्यमंत्री, हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा जी की 30वीं पुण्यतिथि पर उन्हें श्रद्धासुमन अर्पित करता हूं।
— Chowkidar Trivendra Singh Rawat (@tsrawatbjp) March 17, 2019
गटशेती एक उत्तम उपाय!
— Chowkidar Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) March 17, 2019
‘Mein Bhi Chowkidar’ campaign has been launched with an aim of taking a jibe at Congress president Rahul Gandhi who has unleashed a ‘chowkidar chor hai’ campaign at his election rallies to sully the image of Modi.
Rahul has been targetting the PM over the Rafale deal with the ‘chowkidar chor hai’ narrative.
To boost the campaign, the prime minister’s twitter handle has begun sending out automated “thank you” tweets to every Twitter handle that had used the #MainBhiChowkidar hashtag. While many Twitter users expressed joy at receiving what seemed like a personalised message from Narendra Modi