New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday informed that it had attached movable/immovable properties worth Rs 19.67 crore of Bhubaneswar-based GDS Builders Pvt Ltd, its director Uma Sankar Patro and others under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) , 2002.
These include 57 immovable assets to the tune of Rs 19.57 crore spread over Puri and Bhubaneswar and bank balance & mutual fund balances worth Rs 9.49 lakh.
On May 18, the ED seized gold jewellery weighing 1.978 kg worth Rs 1.13 crore during raids on eight residential and commercial premises in Bhubaneswar in connection with a bank fraud case pertaining to GDS Builders Pvt Ltd, Surnag Builders Pvt Ltd, and others. Cash amounting to Rs 15 lakh, sale deeds of certain properties, various incriminating documents and certain electronic devices were also recovered.