Balangir: With a couple of days left for the five-phase Panchayat elections, Collector Chanchal Rana on Monday asked the Puintala Block Development Officer (BDO) to lodge a police complaint against Susanta Chatria in the alleged auction of Sarpanch post in Odisha’s Balangir district.
Chatria had reportedly won the auction for Sarpanch post conducted by the locals. The BDO has also been asked to name others associated with the auction in the police complaint.
The post was auctioned by a group of influential people, including contractors and businessmen from the three villages of Bilaisarda, Bandanakata and Kasurpali, in January before the start of the nomination process for the panchayat elections. Chhatria, a contractor by profession, was the highest bidder with Rs 44.1 lakh.
He also pledged to donate Rs 44,000 for the development of the Jagannath temple at Bilaisarda village.
Taking cognizance of the incident from media reports, the State Election Commission (SEC) of Odisha had sought a factual report from the Collector by 5 pm on January 18.
Notably, Rs 2 lakh is the maximum spending limit in the polls.
The Collector had also ordered for suspension of Lukapada schoolteacher Taranisen Pradhan for allegedly taking part in the election campaign.