Bhubaneswar: In an incident that is more unbelievable than bizarre, a woman threw out a newborn boy on the roadside near Acharya Vihar locality from an auto-rickshaw today. Soon after, almost as if by plan, another woman came to the spot on an auto-rickshaw, picked up the baby, and drove away in the auto.
The NGO Childline got information about the incident from passersby and immediately rushed to the spot and got in touch with the Sahid Nagar police. Childline members managed to get the auto-rickshaw registration number. This helped the police to track it down and rescue the newborn.
It took the police one hour to rescue the baby from the Akhandalamani slum. The baby was produced before the Additional Child Welfare Committee (CWC) and admitted to Capital Hospital here for a health checkup.
An FIR has been lodged at the police station and a probe has been initiated.