New Delhi: Actor Ranveer Singh has filed an FIR against the social media handle that was promoting his AI-generated deepfake video. Ranveer lodged a police complaint and FIR for further investigation by the Cyber Crime Cell, according to his spokesperson.
Ranveer’s spokesperson said, “Yes, we have filed the police complaint and FIR has been lodged against the handle that was promoting the AI-generated deepfake video of Mr Ranveer Singh.” In the deepfake video, the actor is purportedly heard voicing his political views. While the video, from the actor’s recent visit to Varanasi, appears genuine, the audio is of an AI-synthesised voice clone of Ranveer.
The actor recently turned showstopper at an open-air fashion show by the Ganga in Varanasi. Fashion designer Manish Malhotra organised the show. During his visit to the city, Ranveer spoke highly of the changes that have come about in terms of the public infrastructure overhaul while also sharing his ‘divine’ experience of the city.
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