New Delhi: Deepika Padukone may have gained weight due to her pregnancy, but father-t0-be Ranveer Singh is gaining weight too. Here’s an update. The ‘RARKPK’ actor is putting on 15 kgs for his next project.’
The news was shared by writer Shobhaa De, who bumped into the actor at one of her favourite cafes in Alibaug. Sharing pictures with the actor, she wrote, “Unexpected encounter at our favourite cafe in Alibagh. Selfie King @ranveersingh enjoying much needed “me time” before he takes up daddy duties….and starts his next film. Oh….the fries were mine(sic).”
She then added, “But he said he is focusing on carbs himself. He needs to be 15kg heavier for his latest project. Charming, natural and unfailingly polite as always. Glad to have him as a neighbour in Alibagh..(sic)”
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Ranveer Singh will next be seen in Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham Again’ alongside Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone and Tiger Shroff. The actor will reprise his role as Simmba. He will also be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s ‘Don3.’