New Delhi: After Aamir Khan, a video of Ranveer Singh endorsing a political party has gone viral. Originally, the video is from the actor’s recent Varanasi visit where he shared his divine experience of visiting the city.
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Ranveer Singh had turned showstopper with Kriti Sanon for designer Manish Malhotra’s fashion show at Varanasi’s Namo Ghat. Ahead of the show, the two actors visited Vishwanath Temple and shared their spiritual experiences. Now, the ‘Gully Boy’ actor’s AI-generated video, endorsing a political party ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, has surfaced on social media.
Earlier, Aamir Khan also fell prey to deepafake. His video purportedly promoting a political party went viral. Calling the video “fake”, the 59-year-old actor had also lodged a complaint with the Cyber Crime Cell of Mumbai Police. It has been reported that it was an AI-generated video of the actor from the time of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, a show he hosted almost a decade back.
A spokesperson for Aamir Khan on Tuesday said while the actor in the past raised electoral awareness through Election Commission campaigns, he never promoted any political party, Hindustan Times reported.