Bhubaneswar: Odisha Vigilance on Saturday arrested Kalpana Pradhan, second wife of Assistant Engineer of Minor Irrigation, Bhanjanagar, Kartikeswar Raul for allegdely abetting the offence of her husband and concealing the ill-gotten money acquired by him through corrupt means.
According to an official release, searches were conducted at the one-room house of her sister at Salia Sahi in Bhubaneswar based on the confession of Pradhan and Rs 1.4 crore additional cash was unearthed. With this, the total cash seizure in the case has touched a record Rs 3,41,66,280. Also, 360 gm gold and 1004 gm silver have been seized.
Further, property documents, indicating the purchase of a triplex bungalow by Raul from M/s Kesari Estate Pvt Ltd at Pokhariput, on cash payment of Rs 78.50 lakh, have been recovered.
Notably, Raul was arrested on Friday after the seizure of over Rs 2 crore in cash from his house in Bhubaneswar.
During the searches on Friday, assets worth over Rs 4.76 crore were unearthed in the name of Raul and his family members.
He was found in possession of disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs 5,00,82,794 which constituted 741% of his known sources of income.