New Delhi: A day after her rumoured affair with Bunty Sajdeh, actor Rhea Chakraborty shared a hilarious post about her ‘toxic trait.’ The actress took to her Instagram Stories and shared a funny post speaking about ‘toxic’ eating habits. The post read, “My Toxic Trait: Hmm, let me see if this food THAT NORMALLY HURTS my stomach, hurts my STOMACH TODAY.”
On Thursday, there was a flood of news claiming that Rhea is dating Seema Sajdeh’s brother Bunty Sajdeh. He is the MD & CEO of Cornerstone Sport. The agency handles some of the biggest names in the sports world, including Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, and Shikhar Dhawan. He is also a part of Dharma Cornerstone Agency. He was previously rumoured to be dating Sonakshi Sinha.
A source told Hindustan Times that Bunty and Rhea are together but wish to keep their relationship private. “It’s so good to see them together and happy. Whatever Rhea has been through in the last few years, Bunty has been her shoulder and support system. He was there for her when things were getting dirty,” the source claimed.
The report also added that Rhea was among Bunty’s clients in the past and he was also called in for questioning when Rhea was interrogated regarding Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. Rhea and Bunty are yet to address the claims. The news of her dating comes two and a half years after Sushant Singh Rajput passed away. The actors were reportedly dating for a while before his sudden demise in June 2020. Rhea was accused of mentally harassing him, exploiting him for money, and playing a role in his death, among other things.