New Delhi: Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju introduced the Repealing and Amending Bill, 2022 seeking to repeal over 60 obsolete laws, including one enacted 137 years ago, in Lok Sabha on Monday. The bill also seeks to rectify a “patent error” in another law by changing certain words.
The Repealing and Amending Bill of 2022 is among the periodical measures to remove enactments that are no longer in force, become obsolete or wherein an Act has become unnecessary. Bills like this also rectify flaws detected in laws.
The new bill proposes to repeal the Land Acquisition (Mines) Act of 1885, in addition to the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act of 1950.
The Repealing and Amending Bill, 2022 also seeks to repeal certain Appropriation Acts passed by Parliament in the recent past. Once the principal Act is amended, the amendment laws lose relevance. Their presence in the statute books as independent laws becomes unnecessary and they only clog the system.
According to the third Schedule of the Repealing and Amending Bill, 2022, in Section 31A, in sub-section (3), for the words “that Central Government”, the words “that Government” will be substituted in The Factoring Regulation Act, 2011.
In a written reply in Rajya Sabha last week, Rijiju noted that 1,486 obsolete and redundant Central Acts have been repealed from May 2014 till date. Besides, 76 Central Acts relating to State subjects have also been repealed by the state legislature concerned.