Bhubaneswar: Vigilance sleuths on Monday recovered Rs 25 lakh in cash during raids on properties of RWSS assistant executive engineer of Udala in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj districts, Rabinarayan Panda, on the allegation of acquisition of disproportionate assets.
The cash was recovered from Nayapalli residence of Panda’s daughter-in-law Sagarika Swain’s father. His son Soumit Panda and Sagarika often stay there, Vigilance sources said.
Meanwhile, searches are on at 8 different places, including 4 in Bhubaneswar.
1) Three-storey building over plot no 992KC-01, Kharvel Complex, Aiginia, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar.
2) 2 BHK Flat No. 401 on the fourth floor D-Block, “Tower Blue Hill” Apartment at Patrapara, Bhubaneswar.
3) Premises of M/s SPS construction and consultancy located at shop no D-2 &D-3, Khandagiri shopping plaza, Bhubaneswar.
4) Premises of Triveni Autotech Pvt Ltd located at plot no N-6-536, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar.
5) House located at native Danpur in Kendrapada district
6) Relative’s house at Kansara, Ostapur in Kendrapada.
7) Office chamber at RWS &S Sub-division, Udala, Mayurbhanj.
8) Official residence at Udala, Mayurbhanj.