Mumbai: Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Monday barred television journalist Pradeep Pandya, along with three other individuals and two entities, from the securities market for following fraudulent practices in trading.
Sebi’s interim order against CNBC Awaaz’s Pradeep Pandya, who anchors stock market shows on the channel, Alpesh Furiya, Manish Furiya, Alpa Furiya, Alpesh Vasanji Furiya HUF and Manish V Furiya HUF, restrained them from buying, selling or dealing in securities till further orders.
Sebi also directed impounding of Rs 8.4 crore worth proceeds from the fraudulent trades.
Pandya and Alpesh have been asked to “cease and desist” from any activity related to giving investment advice, sell or buy recommendations through any media.