Berhampur: Police disposed of 1,895 kg of ganja at designated incinerator under Berhampur police district of Odisha’s Ganjam district on Wednesday.
The ganja worth Rs 1.5 crore was seized in a single case under Digapahandi police station on February 3, 2020. Those were incinerated on the direction of the court and as per the guidelines laid down in NDPS Act to save the space in the police station.
“We disposed of the seized ganja through incineration at Biomedical Waste Incinerator Plant located at Seragada based on the recommendation of the District Drug Disposal Committee following due procedure on March 15 night,” said Berhampur SP Saravana Vivek M.
Members of the committee headed by IG SWR Satyabrata Bhoi, Berhampur SP, STF SP KK Panigrahi, Excise Superintendent and assistant collector Subhashree Rath were present.
“So far, we have destroyed 4,103 kg of ganja to save precious space in ‘malkhana’ of various police stations,” the SP said. Further disposal will continue for remaining pending NDPS cases, the sources said.