New Delhi: Hours after Delhi’s Environment Minister Gopal Rai said that the third phase of Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP 3) will not be imposed, the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) announced that stricter measures will be enforced from 8 am on November 15.
Invoking GRAP Stage 3, the Central government’s air quality panel issued a statement on Thursday evening saying that measures of revised GRAP will be applicable in the entire NCR with effect from 8 am on November 15.
“In an effort to prevent further deterioration of the air quality, the Sub Committee decided that ALL actions as envisaged under Stage III of the GRAP – ‘Severe’ Air Quality ranging between 401 and 450 be implemented in right earnest by all the agencies concerned in the NCR, in addition to the Stage-I and II actions already in force, from 8 AM of 15th November, 2024 in the National Capital Region (NCR),” CAQM said.
Delhi’s air quality went into ‘severe’ categoryon Wednesday as the AQI crossed the 400 mark. As per the data of Centre of Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the AQI in Delhi at 7 pm today was 420.
Following activities are banned in Delhi-NCR under GRAP Stage 3:
* Dust generating/air pollution causing C&D activities in the entire NCR
* Earthwork for excavation and filling including boring & drilling works
* Piling works
* All demolition works
* Laying of sewer line, water line, drainage and electric cabling etc. by open trench system
* Brick/masonry works
* Major welding and gas-cutting operations; However, minor welding activities for MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) works to be permitted
* Painting, polishing and varnishing works
* Cement, plaster/other coatings, except for minor indoor repairs/maintenance
* Cutting/grinding and fixing of tiles, stones and other flooring materials, except for minor indoor repairs/maintenance
* Water proofing work (excluding chemical water proofing)
* Road construction activities and major repairs
*Transfer, loading/unloading of dust generating materials like cement, fly-ash, bricks, sald, murram, pebbles, crushed stone etc. anywhere within/outside the project sites
* Movement of vehicles carrying construction materials on unpaved roads
* Transportation of demolition waste
* Operations of stone crushers in entire NCR.
* All mining and associated activities in the entire NCR.