Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan took to social media on Tuesday evening to announce his son Aaryan Khan’s directorial debut.
The actor wrote, “This 2025: Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment come together for a one-of-a-kind Bollywood series produced by Gauri Khan, created and directed by Aryan Khan.”
Sharing its association with SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment, streaming giant Netflix wrote, “Witness Bollywood like never before… on Netflix! Presenting Aryan Khan’s directorial debut in an all-new series, coming soon! @redchilliesent @gaurikhan @iamsrk @___aryan___”
This mega project was announced in Los Angeles at an event hosted by Bela Bajaria, the Chief Content Officer of Netflix.
Social media was flooded with best wishes for Aaryan.
“Wow wow wow, cannot wait,” wrote a user.
“What a great news,” stated one person.
“Aryan will be fire,” posted another.
Another fan wrote, “Anticipation is in the air! Gear up for an epic journey brought to life by India’s youngest visionary, the rising legend Aryan Khan. Can’t wait to witness cinematic magic unfold!”
While Shah Rukh’s son will be donning the hat of a director, his daughter Suhana Khan will be sharing screen space with him in his upcoming film ‘King.’
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