Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan will turn 55th on Monday. Since his fans will not gather in front of his house ‘Mannat’ like every year, they have decided to make their favourite star’s birthday special a grand affair. The actor’s fan club is planning to organise a grand virtual birthday party for him.
Shah Rukh is in the UAE with his family for the IPL season. He earlier told his fans: “iss baar ka pyaar thoda door se yaar (this time show your love from a distance).” In accordance with his wishes, his fan club will host a virtual cake-cutting ceremony, reported Hindustan Times (HT) quoting Mumbai Mirror.
It reported that Yash Paryani, a member of Shah Rukh’s fan club has said fans will be cutting cakes at their homes and can join in the celebrations via live streaming. “This year, we need to do everything virtually but ensure the celebrations are still grand, considering it’s a festival for us. Fans will have virtual experience of being at Mannat from Sunday midnight through live streaming,” he was quoted as saying by Mumbai Mirror.
The report states that the midnight celebration will be followed by a virtual birthday party on Monday at 11 am with selfie booths, games, SRK quizzes, live interactions among the fans, and a few performances.
Yash said a few charitable activities — distributing 5555 Covid kits with masks and sanitisers, 5555 meals to the needy, visiting orphanages and old-age homes — have also been planned for the special day.