New Delhi: After becoming the biggest grosser in Indian cinema in 2023 with over Rs 1100 crore at the global box office, Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan has set new benchmarks on Netflix. The Atlee directorial released on OTT on November 2, three months after its theatrical release on September 7.
As per the data available on Netflix’s website, the film has been in the Top 10 Films (Non-English) list globally for two weeks now. In the two weeks since its release on Netflix, the film has collected 3,700,000 views and has been viewed for 10,600,000 hours. The only other Indian film on this list is the Tamil film Irugapatru which has 1,200,000 views and 3,000,000 hours viewed.
In India’s Top 10 list, Jawan’s versions in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil occupy three of the ten spots, and is leading the chart, The Indian Express reported.
Shah Rukh expressed his joy with Jawan being the ‘most watched film in India’. “I am thrilled to share that Jawan is the most watched film in India on Netflix. Releasing the extended version was our way of expressing gratitude to our fans for extending their unwavering love and support to the film. The overwhelming response we’ve received from Netflix audiences only reaffirms the brilliance of Indian cinema. Jawan is not just a film; it’s a celebration of storytelling, passion, and the vibrant spirit of our cinema and I couldn’t be prouder of its success on Netflix,” he said.
The actor is now looking forward to Dunki. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani and starring Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal, the film is expected to release in December.