Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani had paid Rs 50 lakh to K P Gosavi, a witness in the drugs-on-cruise case, for the release of Aryan, Sam D’Souza claimed in a television interview.
A businessman, D’Souza had found mention in the affidavit submitted by Prabhakar Sail, a witness who had brought extortion charges against Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) zonal director Sameer Wankhede.
D’Souza said that Dadlani had paid the money to ensure that Aryan was not arrested, but he soon realised that Gosavi was a “cheat” and asked him to return the amount.
“After much abuse and pressure, we managed to recover Rs 38 lakh from Gosavi, the rest we contributed and paid back to Dadlani,” he told the TV channel.
Sail, in his affidavit, had claimed that Gosavi, Dadlani and D’Souza had met on October 3, the day when NCB had arrested Aryan. A person had handed over two bags to Sail and he took them to D’Souza at Trident Hotel. After counting the money, D’Souza said it was only Rs 38 lakh, the affidavit added.
Sail had also claimed to have overheard a conversation between Gosavi and others about Rs 25 crore, of which Rs 8 crore was to be paid to Sameer Wankhede.