Mumbai: Actor Shah Rukh Khan flaunting his six-pack in ‘OM Shanti Om’ surprised most of his fans. Not a fitness freak, why Shah Rukh made the changeover remained a mystery till he revealed its cause on Karan Johar’s chat show.
The Badshah of Bollywood said his son Aryan Khan’s fight with a girl in his school is the reason behind the transformation. When Aryan was 9 years old, a girl in his school made fun of the actor calling him a***ole, ugly and fat.
Aryan lost his cool when the girl called his father fat and thrashed her.
Speaking about the incident, SRK said, “First, the girl called me (SRK) an a**hole. Aryan didn’t react. Then she said I looked ugly in Kaun Banega Crorepati but he didn’t react and controlled himself. Finally, when she said, ‘Your father is fat,’ he kicked her.”
When the actor scolded his son for his actions, an angry Aryan said, “Papa it’s not her fault. It’s you. Why are you fat? You are not ugly. You look handsome on KBC. You’re not an a**hole, I know. You’re a cool guy. But you are fat, papa.”
This made Shah Rukh reflect upon his physique and work hard to get a well-toned body.