New Delhi: More than six months after businessman Raj Kundra was arrested in connection with producing and publishing pornographic content, he has transferred property worth Rs 38.5 crore to his wife actress Shilpa Shetty.
The registration documents were accessed by Its founder, Varun Singh, said the documents showcased that a total of five flats in Ocean View, a building in Juhu along with the basement were transferred by Raj Kundra to his wife Shilpa Shetty Kundra, India Today reported.
Varun Singh also mentioned that the total area transferred to Shilpa Shetty measures 5,996 square feet. According to Singh, it is the same house that both Raj and Shilpa have shown as their current house address. Also, a stamp duty of Rs 1.92 crore was paid for registration, which took place on January 24, 2022.