
SOA International Conference: Experts Discuss Emerging Areas Of Mechanical Engineering

Bhubaneswar: Emerging and strategic areas of Mechanical Engineering featured in the three-day International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (ICRAMERD) at Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (SOA) recently.

Over 200 scientists and professionals from academics, industry and research participated in the conference, organised by the Mechanical Engineering department of Institute of Technical Education and Research (ITER), SOA’s faculty of engineering and technology.

They shared their expertise and experience on subjects like advanced material science engineering, advancement in smart manufacturing and their applications in industrial robotics.

Other subjects discussed at the conference included energy storage and conversion, and power system engineering besides latest research on novel materials, new strategies and innovation to overcome technical challenges of Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Mechatronics and Robotics, Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing process, environmental science, renewable energy and automation in healthcare systems.

Dr Balakrushna Panda, former Zonal Developmental Commissioner, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, was chief guest at the inauguration of the conference. Prof. Pradip Kumar Sahoo, Dean of ITER, Prof. JK Nath, Dean (Research and Development) of SOA, Prof. DN Thattoi, Additional Dean (Academics) of ITER, also addressed the conference.

A total of 210 technical papers were received from scientists and professionals working in various fields, of which 150 were shortlisted for publication.

Keynote speakers and resource persons for the conference included Dr Sisir Mantry, Raman Research Fellow, University of Notthingham; Prof. SA Sherif, Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida; Prof. Jaiveer Singh, Associate Professor, IIT Jodhpur; Prof. S Pradyumna, Professor, IIT Delhi and Sanjay Kumar Pattnaik, General Manager (Environment), NALCO.