New Delhi: The Goa government on Monday recommended that the Sonali Phogat murder case be handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). On Sunday, Sonali Phogat’s family also met Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar seeking a probe by the central agency as they were unhappy with the investigation done by the Goa police.
“We completely trust Goa police, but due to the demand of Sonali Phogat’s daughter, I have recommended a CBI probe,” Goa CM Pramod Sawant said.
“Goa Police received many good clues in the case and Sonali Phogat’s daughter and family demanded a CBI probe into the matter. I have also received requests from many people. I will write a letter to the Home Minister to hand over the case to the central agency,” he said.
On Sunday, in a sombre show of strength in Hisar’s Jatt Dharamshala, members of 35 khaps from Haryana, Rajasthan and UP came together under the banner of ‘Sarv jatiye, sarv khap mahapanchayat’ and backed Sonali’s family’s demand for a CBI probe into the murder case, India Today reported.