New Delhi: Congress chief Sonia Gandhi said that shielding former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh despite a growing pushback against him within the party’s state unit was a “mistake”, a source told NDTV. Sonia Gandhi said this at the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting on Sunday.
The CWC meeting continued for close to five hours on Sunday to discuss its disastrous performance in the five state Assembly elections last week.
When a senior leader questioned the timing of Amarinder Singh’s removal as Punjab Chief Minister, late last year, saying it should have been done much earlier and was very badly handled, Sonia Gandhi intervened and said she was to be blamed as she shielded him for a long time, according to sources.
“She admitted that it was her mistake and error of judgment to have allowed him to continue as Chief Minister,” a party leader who attended the meeting that reposed its faith in the Gandhis as its captains told NDTV.
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