Mumbai: Actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood took to Twitter to announce that he has launched an application, Travel Union, which intends to build India’s first rural travel agent network.
After helping COVID patients and migrant workers, the actor has launched an initiative to support and empower small businesses in the travel industry, especially the rural sector. This will serve businesspersons and customers in India’s rural areas, India Today reported.
Announcing his Travel Union application, Sonu Sood wrote on Instagram, “Business-to-business Let’s change the future of the travel industry with @Travelunion_TU Join me today in building India’s first rural travel agent network. Download the free app today and open the way to a successful tomorrow! #SupportSmallBusiness #SonuSood #zeroinvestment (sic).”
Earlier, during the lockdown, Sonu had encouraged his fans to support small-time businesses many of which had shut down due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. In a video, the actor turned a vendor selling eggs and bread on his bicycle. He emphasised in the video that even if malls are closed, an important supermarket is open. He named the venture ‘Sonu Sood Ki Supermarket’ and also called it a hit.
ALSO READ: [Watch] Sonuji Where Is Your Mask? Actor Sells Bread & Eggs On Bicycle