New Delhi: A day after Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma asked who is Shah Rukh Khan after reporters raised questions on violence at a theatre where SRK’s ‘Pathaan’ will be released, CM Sarma wrote on Twitter that he spoke to Shah Rukh Khan over the actor’s concerns in connection to the release of his film.
Sarma said he had a 2 am phone conversation with Shah Rukh Khan whose much-awaited film ‘Pathaan’ is slated to release on January 25 in theatres across the country.
Confirming he spoke to the superstar, Sarma wrote on Twitter on Sunday: “Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) called me and we talked today morning at 2 am. He expressed concern about an incident in Guwahati during screening of his film. I assured him that it’s the duty of state govt to maintain law and order. We’ll enquire and ensure no such untoward incidents.”
Ironically on Saturday, the leader had said: “Who is Shah Rukh Khan? I don’t know anything about him or his film “Pathaan”. Sarma said this when he was asked about the protests by Bajrang Dal in connection to the release of the film.
Journalists had raised questions about the violent protestors who stormed a theatre at Narengi in the city on Friday, where the film is slated to be screened. “Khan has not called me, though many from Bollywood do so, regarding the problem. But if he does, I will look into the matter.”
“Action will be taken if law and order has been violated and a case has been filed,” he said.