New Delhi: Atlee’s Jawan helmed by Shah Rukh Khan has shaken the box office, creating history and shattering all the previous records to become Bollywood’s biggest opener. It collected a record-breaking Rs 65.50 crore at the Indian box office on the first day of the release, as per Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh. The film’s opening day collection was 19.09% higher than SRK’s earlier hit Pathaan. Taran Adarsh wrote in his X post, “Jawan is sensational…Creates history…Jawan hits the ball out of the stadium, Shatters all previous records… Biggest opener [Hindi films] in India. Day 1 biz…Jawan: ₹ 65.50 cr [19.09% HIGHER than #Pathaan]”
Pathaan had an opening of Rs 55 crore, the Hindi version of KGF (with Rs 53.95 crore), War, which collected 51.60 crore on its opening day and Aamir Khan’s Thugs Of Hindostan, which earned Rs 50.75 crore on day 1.
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