New Delhi: After her link-up and later split with Lalit Modi, actor Sushmita Sen is in the news once again. On Thursday, she took to her Instagram handle and shared the first look of her upcoming film ‘Taali.’ Taali is the biopic of transwoman Gauri Sawant. Sushmita will be seen depicting her life in this movie. In the first poster of ‘Taali’, she can be seen in the look of Gauri Sawant. She wore a red green saree with a big round maroon bindi on her forehead.
Gauri Sawant was seen on Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 9 and was supported by Usha Uthup to raise money to build houses for sex workers.
Sushmita captioned the post, “Taali – बजाऊँगी नहीं, बजवाऊँगी ! (won’t clap, will ask others to clap). Nothing makes me prouder & more grateful than to have the privilege of portraying this beautiful person & of bringing her story to the world!!” by referring to Gauri Sawant.
She further added, “Here’s to life & to everyone’s right to live it with dignity!!! (hand folded emoji) I love you guys!!! #duggadugga.” She used the hashtags #firstlook as #ShreegauriSawant on it. Actor, sister-in-law Charu Asopa wrote, “Wowww… First look is awesome.. so proud of you didi. looking forward …love you didi. One of her fans commented, “you just nailed the look.” Another fan wrote, “Oh my god!! More power to you always.” Many fans showed excitement and dropped heart emojis for her new project.
Gauri Sawant is a transgender activist from Mumbai. She has been featured in Vick’s ad as a transgender mother who raised an orphaned girl to break the stereotypical representation of the third gender. She raised money to build houses for sex workers near Kharghar with the amount she won with the help of Kaun Banega Crorepati in season 9.
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