New Delhi: An SUV, a Tata Harrier model, worth Rs 15 lakh was seized during an Enforcement Directorate (ED) raid on the residential premises of former Indian Forest Service (IFoS) officer of Odisha Abhay Kant Pathak here.
The raid was conducted under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) linked to an alleged disproportionate assets case against him, the PTI reported on Wednesday.
Pathak, who was arrested in November last year on charges of amassing assets disproportionate to his known sources of income, was compulsorily retired in May this year. After spending six months in jail, he was released on bail in June.
The Odisha vigilance had accused Pathak of amassing disproportionate assets worth ₹9.35 crore, 435 per cent of his total income and claimed it to be the biggest disproportionate assets case in Odisha’s history.