New Delhi: The Vigilance and Enforcement Department detected tax evasion to the tune of Rs 2,683 crore during the financial year 2022-23, which is 106.34% of the targeted Rs 2,523 crore for this financial year. Of this, Rs 1,906.10 crore was approved by the respective departments after verifying at the ground level and an amount of Rs 1,154.90 crore was realised by the respective departments. The target for realisation for the period was Rs 694 crore and the department achieved 166.41% target, V&E Director General (DG) Shanka Bratha Bagchi said in a release.
The department also identifies the areas where the evasion of taxes, rents, royalties, charges, and others have taken place in the State at the field level in respect of all departments every financial year. “The department detects and sends reports to the respective administrative departments who direct their field subordinates to confirm the detection communicated by the V&E by issuing notices at field level and finally approve the demand and communicate the same to the V&E department. Then, the V&E department collects the information from the officers concerned at ground level with regard to realisation and its adjustment to the government exchequer every year,’’ the DG said.
“The detection of Vigilance stands at 106.34 per cent while the ‘approved demand’ and ‘realisation’ reports a target of 101.71 per cent and 166.41 per cent,’’ Bagchi said adding the department has achieved more than 100% of the targets in the fields of detection, approved demand and realisation during the financial year 2022 -2023.