New Delhi: A teacher of a private school in the Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh allegedly drilled a student’s hand as punishment for having forgotten the ‘number table of 2’. The incident occurred at the upper primary school at Premnagar in the Kanpur district where the student was enrolled in Class V. The victim, identified as a resident of Sisamau, reportedly suffered injuries to the left hand, news agency ANI reported.
The student, in a complaint to the police, said, “The teacher (name withheld) asked me to recite the ‘Table of 2’. As I failed to do so, he drilled my hand. A fellow student standing beside me unplugged the drill immediately.” Following the incident, the victim was reportedly sent home from school and received minor treatment.
The teacher in charge allegedly did not inform local education officials about the incident, reported ANI citing people familiar with the matter. The officials were informed only after the victim’s relatives reached the school, resulting in an uproar on campus.
On receiving information, the basic shiksha adhikari and the block education officer reached the spot to investigate the matter.
Speaking about the incident, Basic Shiksha Adhikari of Kanpur Nagar, Sujit Kumar Singh was quoted as saying, “A committee has been formed to investigate this entire incident. Block education officers of Prem Nagar and Shastri Nagar will investigate the matter and send a report. Anyone found guilty would face punitive action.”