Bengaluru: Bengaluru police has decided to seek the help of Uttar Pradesh police to trace the estranged wife of Atul Subhash, a technocrat who was found dead at his apartment after accusing the former and her family of harassment. His wife, Nikita Singhania, is an accused in the abetment to suicide case of Subhash.
On Monday, Subhash was found hanging at his Munnekollal residence in Bengaluru. He had left behind a 24-page suicide note. In the note, he has accused Nikita and in-laws of harassment. After Atul’s death, an FIR was registered on the basis of a complaint filed by his brother. Nikita’s mother, Nisha and brother Anurag and uncle Sushil had also been named in the complaint.
Nikita had been accused of demanding Rs 3 crore to withdraw cases against Atul and Rs 30 lakh for visitation rights so that the victim could see his four-year-old son.
A team from Marathahalli police had been sent to Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday, the Indian Express reported. “The investigating officer will determine whether to issue notices or take the suspects into custody,” the report stated, quoting a senior cop.