Teenaged Girl Hangs Self After Killing Younger Sister In Odisha’s Keonjhar

Keonjhar: In a shocking incident, a girl allegedly hanged herself to death after hacking her younger sister at Phuljhari village under Nayakote police limits in Odisha’s Keonjhar district.

According to reports, Khiramani Dehury, aged around 17, attacked younger sibling Rukmini (14) with an axe severing her head from the body. Later, she committed suicide by hanging herself.

The girls’ parents, who were away at the farm, returned home in the evening to find the door locked. On breaking open the door, they found the younger daughter lying in a pool of blood and the older one hanging.

Meanwhile, police has reached the spot and has started investigation into the case, said Keonjhar SDPO, PJ Topo.


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